
Press Kit

Download our complete Press Kit here, including a PDF about the show, press photos, logos and other art work. Text only Below.


What is Good Morning Antioch?

Good Morning Antioch is a dystopian comedy podcast about a nearly derelict mining ship working for the MostEvil™️ company in the Galaxy.  The Bannerflex Mining Corporation is what you would get if you crossed Exxon with Haliburton they were bought out by NewsCorp and left to fester for 3000 years.  

The crew faces real struggles of job unfulfillment, uncertain futures and their CEO trying to murder them in a Battle Bots style tournament. As told through the morining announcements of the Media Liasion Cyborg MeLia0743,  Good Morning Antioch fans have compared it to Welcome To Nightvaleand The Kirlian Freqency.  

At it's heart, Antioch is a workplace comedy, but set so far in the future all companies are Supers Companies/Governments, bureaucracy can be fatal, and life is hilariously harsh. If you're a fan of absurd office comedy like Your Pretty Face is Going to Hell or Ugly Americans, then this is your Caffinex-cooler conversation starter.

The show is produced by Mmm...Pie Productions. It stars Cherrae L. Stuart, Donald Chambers, Mark Terry and Joanna Teris. Orignal Music composed by Andrew Bertholf. Graphic design by C. Shawn.